to the Article 39 A of the Constitution, free and competent Legal Services
are being provided in the State to the eligible persons of the poor
downtrodden and weaker sections of the Society. The provision
of Legal Services is to secure that the operation of the Legal System
promotes justice on a basis of equal opportunity, to provide free legal
aid to ensure that opportunities for securing justice are not denied
to any citizen by reason of economic or other disabilities. Accordingly
the Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987 (Act No.39 of 1987) came into
force on 09-09-1995. As per Sec. 12 of the said
Act, the following categories of persons are entitled for free and competent
legal services from the legal services institutions.
- a member of a Scheduled
Caste or Scheduled Tribe;
- a victim of trafficking
in human being or begar as referred to in Article 23 of the Constitution;
- a woman or a child;
- a person with disability
as defined in clause (i) of Section 2 of the Persons with Disabilities
(Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act,
- a person under circumstances
of undeserved want such as being a victim of a mass disaster, ethnic
violence, caste atrocity, flood, drought, earthquake or industrial disaster;
- an industrial workman; or
- in custody, including custody
in a protective home within the meaning of Clause(g) of Section 2 of
the Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act, 1956(104 of 1956) or in a juvenile
home within the meaning of Clause(j) of Section 2 of the Juvenile Justice
Act, 1986 (53 of 1986) or in a psychiatric hospital or psychiatric
nursing home within the meaning of Clause (g) of Section 2 of the Mental
Health Act, 1987 (14 of 1987); or
- the persons whose annual
income does not exceed Rs. 3,00,000/- are also entitled for legal services
if they does not come under any of the above categories.
The persons entitled for Legal Services can avail the legal Services in the following modes of Regulation 25 of A.P. State Legal Services Authority Regulations 1996:-
- legal advice by a legal
practitioner on the list of legal practitioners maintained by the Taluk
Committee, the District Authority and the High Court Committee, or of
any voluntary organization sponsored and encouraged by the State Authority.
- Legal Services in the form of----
- representation of an entitled
person by a legal practitioner on the list in the legal proceedings;
- payment to the entitled
person or on his behalf-
- of Court fee;
- of process fee and expenses
of witnesses;
- of charges for preparation
of paper books, including charges for Printing and translation of documents;
- of charges for the supply
of certified copies of judgment, decrees, orders and other documents;
- of any amount on any other
account in any legal proceedings.
The entitled persons can avail legal services to file cases on their
behalf or to defend themselves before themselves in the cases filed
against them before any Court. The person seeking legal aid can
apply for legal services in the following proforma to any of the legal
services institutions where they need legal service.
The Format of Application for Legal Services
Registration Number: ___________________________ |
1. | Name |
: | |
2. |
Permanent Address |
: | |
3. |
Contact Address with Phone . |
: | |
. |
no if any, e-mail ID, if any. |
4. | Whether the applicant belongs |
: | |
to the category of persons mentioned in Section-12 of the Act. |
| |
5.. | Monthly income of the applicant | : | |
6.. | Whether affidavit /proof has been | : | |
produced in support of income /eligibility u/s 12 of the Act. | | |
7. | Nature of Legal Aid or advise
required | : | |
| which is covered by the activities of the Organisation. | | |
8. | A brief statement of the case, | : | |
| if Court based legal services
is required.
| | |
| Signature of the applicant |
Place: | |
Date: | |
The eligible persons can avail legal services in the cases right from the
Magistrate Court to the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India. They
can apply with all the relevant documents to the concerned legal services institutions